click to buy Furreal Friends GoGo

click to buy Furreal Gogoclick to buy Furreal Friends Luluclick to buy furreal friends elephant


Furreal Friends have been around for nearly a decade, first appearing back in 2002 from Hasbro. Parents love Furreal Friends because these pets don’t poop and don’t require feeding or walking!

Their slogan “They love you for real, FurReal Friends” is appealing to young hearts and minds.…

Sassy Cat Pillow Pet

click here to buy Ms Sassy Cat Pillow PetThe Ms Sassy Cat Pillow Pets are one of the cutest of the Pillow Pets plush toys – although they are all cute, but the sassy cat has a most contented and dreamy look on her face. In black and white chenille fabric, this Pillow Pets cat is a huggable bundle of joy for small kids everywhere.

Sassy Cat Pillow Pet is one of the original My Pillow Pets  that was created in the beginning when there were only  a handful of plush My Pillow Pets toys in the product range.…